
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Getting on with life

I do have a bright spot in my life.
My daughter has raised a baby squirrel from this (above) after he fell from a nest about 25 feet up in a tree and landed in a big bed of leaves.
to this after she had had it for a couple of weeks (above) She raised him in her sports bra and fed him every two hours around the clock as well as worked a job and took care of her own home and family until she'd had him about three weeks, then she made him an "incubator" to stay in at night as he had begun to crawl but still fed him every two hours by the clock. Now he gets fed every four hours during the day (unless he decides to scream if he wants his bottle more often) and only once or twice at night.
And this was taken yesterday, 04/09/10 (above) 
His name is "Squeaker" 
He has no doubt my daughter Carrie is his mommy and her ears are his play toys. 
Far be it from me to say he is also a spoiled little baby boy, lol!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Final Goodbye....

Amber, my sweet sweet baby, while you are waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge remember Mommy loves you very much.
My heart is so broken, mine and your house is so empty and lonely without you here streaking everywhere you went, your voice commenting on anything and everything, our many "talks" where we discussed everything from World Issues to the weather.
Please forgive me for anything I did that was harmful to you out of ignorance and stupidity. It is so hard for me to live with myself knowing I killed you with garlic. I should have called your Dr before giving you anything at all. I am devoured with guilt. I thought I was giving you the best in care, making sure another flea never bit you. Before you came into my life I was a very lonely old woman. You changed all that with your playing and our "conversations" .....you changed it with your constantly showing me love. 
I am so lost without you.
My house, my life is empty and lonely again.
Your Mommy 

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

A Friend "Lil Radar" posted these two poems

for me in Memory of my beloved cat, Amber. I am lost. My house is so empty and lonely. In the few short months I had him I gave him my whole heart and he gave me his.

To: Kitty
From: Amber

Weep not for me though I am gone
Into that gentle night.
Grieve if you will, but not for long
Upon my soul's sweet flight.
I am at peace, my soul's at rest
There is no need for tears.
For with your love I was so blessed
For all those many months.
There is no pain, I suffer not,
The fear now all is gone.
Put now these things out of your thoughts,
In your memory I live on.
Remember not my fight for breath
Remember not the strife.
Please do not dwell upon my death,
But celebrate my life.

To: Amber
From: Kitty

I wish I could have told you,
in words you'd understand,
I wanted you to stay with me.
This wasn't what I'd planned.

I wish somehow to tell you,
How empty I now feel.
A part of me went with you,
A part that time can't heal.

I wish I'd once more hear you,
in your softly, rumbling purr,
to hold you on my lap again
and stroke your snow white fur.

I wish I had you back again,
to fill this empty space.
But one day we'll be together
in a far, far better place

with love, Kitty

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Amber, My beloved friend.

My beloved cat

Amber died April 6th at 8:30pm. I had given him a natural product called "Flea Free" containing garlic which I learned is very toxic (poisonous) to cats and other animals. I also met a woman who had killed her cat with it plus a woman who had killed her dog by feeding him garlic for fleas.
I was also feeding Amber the so called "proper" dosage of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth which is used in conjunction with Flea Free. 
So, I killed my own cat whom I loved dearly by not researching the age old myths we all take for granted before feeding it to him. 
After his death I discovered he had a dormant infection which is deadly to cats but with treatment they can live normal lives for many years with it. The garlic activated it and he died. 
Please keep in mind the other two dead animals I spoke of did NOT have any other health problems.

I also learned garlic is very good for many things in humans....providing they are NOT taking blood thinners or blood pressure medicines.
Then people must be extremely careful in using any amount of garlic or onions. I copied the following hoping it will help save an animal somewhere from the fate my sweet Amber suffered.

Cats will sometimes beg for food, but you must be aware that certain foods given to cats are toxic. Giving cats the foods that you eat is not an encouraged behavior, because it spoils his appetite for his canned food. If you give food from your plate to your cat, you'll only support his behavior to beg.

In case you can't resist not sharing your food, be careful not to feed him foods that are cat poison.

1. Chocolate
Chocolate is toxic for cats because it has a compound called theobromine. Theobromine can be fatal to cats. Cats don't have the capacity to efficiently digest this substance, so it's highly poisonous. White chocolate has insignificant amounts of theobromine. However, regular milk chocolate ingested in poisonous amounts can result in vomiting, diarrhea, fever, seizure, coma and even death.

2. Onions and Garlic
Onions and garlic are toxic to cats due to their contents of N-propyl disulphide. This substance has the power to cause anemia by annihilating the red blood cells. Onions are more poisonous than garlic, but keep your cat away from both. Don't forget that even meats may be spiced with garlic or onion, so make sure you check the labels.

3. Potato Family of Plants - Raw
Green tomatoes contain a substance called Glycoalkanoid Solamine, which is poisonous for cats. This substance is present in the family of plants of Solanaceae, informally known as the nightshade or the potato family - which includes tomatoes, potatoes, paprika, chili pepper, eggplant, petunia or the deadly nightshade (belladonna).

If cooked or fully ripe, your cat will have no problem digesting these ingredients. However, don't feed them while they are still raw. The leaves and stems of these plants are very toxic to cats and will cause lower gastrointestinal pain and aggressive symptoms.

4. Grapes
Grapes may be toxic to cats. Avoid feeding them grapes or even raisins, which contain the same substances as grapes.

5. Caffeine
Any product containing caffeine may be toxic to cats. The caffeine excites the nervous system and will cause shaking and vomiting or diarrhea.

These are the 5 main foods that you should avoid giving your cat. However, if the cat has any food intolerance, those foods may also be toxic. There are a lot of lactose-intolerant cats. Food poisoning will be signaled by vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, cramps, rashes or seizures. You will be able to notice these symptoms within 12 hours after the ingestion of the poisonous food. Go immediately to the vet to avoid further complications.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Two and a half weeks ago I got some Flea Free and D.E. (Diatomacous Earth) both available from http://www.organicworldproducts.com/ which has a garlic/vinegar base.
I followed the instructions to the letter on how to give it to my cat.
As a result my cat is lying in the hospital at deaths door, the vet not sure at all if she can save him or not. The blood work was traced to the garlic.
My cat is receiving the best of care including a blood transfusion but isnt expected to make it through the night. 
I learned from the vet garlic is highly toxic to cats (especially) but can kill dogs also.
In fact, I just met a woman today who killed her dog using it going by directions.
And garlic does not kill fleas.
It kills your cat (pets)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Day, 2010

Hello and Happy Resurrection Day!
I continue to be amazed at the people who refuse to smoke or be around second hand smoke, wont eat red meat or chicken unless its skinned and broiled, use very, if any at all, low amounts of salt, who work out everyday and take many vitamin supplements, in short, go all out to maintain the best health possible, yet will deliberately get out on the roads in Holiday Traffic when traveling is at the most dangerous peak and risk being killed, killing someone(s) else or being crippled for the rest of their lives. 
Not very responsible behavior, is it?
At the time being I live across the lake from the Hospital and the Medical Choppers fly very low over my house going to the landing pad to pick up the badly wounded and transport them to a larger more well staffed hospital. The choppers have flown in constantly day and night since Friday. 
For the majority of children Easter is a lousy rabbit and tons of hidden Easter Eggs. They dont have a clue as to what Easter really stands for.
And the majority of adults will put on their best clothes and go sit in a church for an hour or so just waiting for the services to get over so they can rush home and hide the eggs they spent hours or even days coloring instead of teaching their children Our Savior spent nine excruciating hours on a torture stake to redeem us from our miserable and corrupted sins. The churches arent any better. Most of them have Easter egg hunts for the Sunday School kids after the services are over.
Jesus Christ is alive and is a reigning King, not some dead figure hanging on a cross as pictured in churches or worn around people's necks.
Again, Happy Resurrection Day
Sunny Daze
