
Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I hope everyone had as wonderful day as I did! I truly enjoyed myself! My daughter finally came and spent the better part of the day with me and it was like a new lease on life! Her phone rang constantly and she repeatedly told the callers she was sorry but she was spending some time with her mother today! I felt like a queen! We ate at the Chinese Rest, both had Beef Chop Suey, fried rice and an egg roll. Oh wow, it was so good but made even better because I was actually sitting at the table at the same time with my daughter. And I brought my "doggie bag" home for my supper, lol! When I came home my white cat, Amber, whom I posted so proudly about last night, made his grand escape, rolled in the dirt and turned into a black cat. While I was loudly protesting, I must admit I said a few cuss words, and looking for his brushes and combs to get the nastiness off him he got on the dining table and went to sleep in the serving tray. It took the rest of the day of on again, off again brushing to change him from a black cat to a grey cat. This is like having a kid in the house, lol, in fact I work harder trying to keep him clean than most people have to work to keep their children clean! LOL!!
My 12 year old grandson who is deaf to hard of hearing made the "A" honor roll and he along with several other "A" (hearing students) made "School Guards" in a ceremony in which the Sheriff went to the school and shook hands with the students. My daughter said she will download the pictures to my pc and I will post them on here. I am so proud of him!! He was born without an ear drum in one ear and very poor hearing in the other ear. When he was around six years old the Dr's took a skin graft from behind his ear and built an ear drum with it. It was almost a year before it actually "took" Two years later he blew it by diving in the Springs. Another year of wondering if it was going to heal or not. Last summer, a few short months ago he forgot and dove again. Blew it again. Its still hanging on, still working some and a lot of people are really praying for him. He's always had to wear a hearing aid and been the butt of cruelty from other kids at school but he didnt mind, he loved his hearing aid, it was his link to the spoken words regardless of how distorted the words sound. For instance, the word "thing" is "thang" to him. A couple of months ago his hearing aid was upgraded. It was his choice to pick a bright blue one. He wanted one that would stand out, would show other kids a hearing aid is not a "handicap" that he is not ashamed of his and they should wear theirs with pride too. Its a treasure that will link them to the beautiful world, to music, to the sounds of laughing, crying, the sounds birds, animals and babies make. And to actual  words, not just lip reading or sometimes having to second guess. So it was quite a feat for him to become an "A" honor student!
Have I mentioned that I am also part Cherokee and that I have a deep love for wolves? I am going to start posting a pic for you who also love them. Guess I'll go sit on my front porch some more. Good night to all and to The Real Deal a special goodnight and God Bless.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Alrighty then!

I said I was going to talk about my stray cat who is no longer a stray. This past summer the man (Bill) across the street from me decided to rent a room to a friend (Bob) of his who was living down in Miami and told Bob it was ok to bring his cat. However when Bob got here the cat was so riddled with fleas Bill wouldnt let it in the house. Bob had the bright idea of rubbing the cat down in old burnt motor oil to "get rid of and kill the fleas" This is a white blue eyed cat with a tiny tint of orange on his face, ears and tail, a type of Siamese. Then neither of them wanted the greasy filthy cat in the house so he was left to his own. As he licked the motor oil off it coated his stomach and he began to starve as he couldnt get nutrients from food he found. One day he came here and I got a cloth and some suddsy (used Dawn dish washing liquid) warm water and started trying to help him get some of the oil off him. I also managed to get him to take a few laps of warm milk. Actually he had reached the dying by degree stage, his stomach no longer told him it was time to eat. One day I was sitting on the front porch eating a chicken breast sandwich when he came up and shared it with him. He managed to eat a couple of bites. From then on he stayed with me. I covered my furniture with sheets and continued to get the motor oil off him bit by bit. He bgan eating more and more and went from a stack of bones to a beautiful healthy cat. Bill said Bob is coming back soon and will "probably take him" I told Bill I hope there wont be any hard feelings between he and I as we are neighbors but if Bob takes MY cat I am going to call the Law to him. And I will. I named him Amber and hope to be able to have him "fixed" this coming month. This is his picture. 

I must add he has become very spoiled and now owns me. He sleeps wrapped around my head at night so it looks as if I have worn a furry white cap to bed, lol. I wish everyone a good night.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Good night to all.....

The white cat looks almost like my stray (who is no longer a stray, lol) I'll have to tell you about him tomorrow and how he decided he lives here too. I wish all a wonderful night.

The Civil War Simplified:

"At daybreak a heavy white mist shrouded the battle site at Olustee in a veil of mourning. Pines rose eerily skyward, stewards of the land once soaked in blood as the Reb's and Yank's guns spat hatred at each other. Cars from every state lined both sides of the narrow hard road winding its way through the Florida flat woods.

In the pale deceptive light people perched on car hoods and tops, in the back of pick up trucks and sat in lawn chairs along the roadside. Each year the crowds grow larger. They come to celebrate the Olustee Festivel, sell their home made crafts, drink home made wine, eat true southern cooking and dance in the streets, all the while awaiting the Grand Climax, the reenactment of a war.

From behind the curtain of fog a cannon shattered the stillness, a man screamed and the war was on. Miles away as muskets began to thunder and dawn burst into glorious swirls of reds, golds and blues I huddled under sheets atop a stretcher in a hospital Emergency room. Come with me and learn, as I did while gripped in the feverish clutches of Enfluenza, how the Civil war was actually won/lost. No, my friends, we didnt lose, the yanks didnt win, it was Horse Sabatage!

Witness a well lighted and spacious Emergency Room. High long counters serves dual purposes, those dying or at least feel they are can lean upon it while giving the names of their Insurance Companies and next of kin to the rows of receptionists seated behind it.

Burst of cool air: Enters a Rebel Soldier with entire left side splinted in small branches and twigs tightly bound with gause and aided by Buddy Soldier. More cool air. Elderly gent in overaralls and ancient black hat rushes in to Wounded One. "Nephew, hit's me, yore Uncle Claude. D'ya know me, boy? Yore whole life haint flashed in front yore eyes, air hit"? "I gotta set down, Uncle. Muh bones is busted m' I got a hole in muh bread basket" moaned Nephew weakly. "Howdjew get that hoss patootie all over ya' son"? asked Claude, neatly sitting Nephew by slamming a chair against the bend of his good leg. "Come outta the hoss" "An you a pouring sweat, boy. You soaked to the bone" "That come outa th' hoss too" "Miss" Claude addressed the receptionist, "This here's muh Nephew...say son, you belonged on top th' hoss, not on th' bottom where all them gadgets air...where wuz you aridin' ennyhow"? "Ahangin' on his tail" Claudes boney frame jerked in surprise. "Fer what"?? "Head man tole me to" "Fer what"?? sputtered Claude. "So's the yanks couldnt spot me and I could keep on playin' and havin' a good time"

Receptionist with a very pronounced Northern accent broke in "Sir, are you from Columbia County"? "Shore haint" She waits expectantly, then peered over her glasses at Nephew. "Well, are you here visiting relatives"? "Shore haint" (ER is filling up with Soldiers, their murmmerings explaining the nature of their wounds filter through my bed sheets... "My horse was supposed to drag me through the brush to our lines but when I grabbed his tail he bit half my elbow off...when I grabbed my horse by the tail he sat down on me....my hoss run just fine, hit was the hoss behind me that kept stomping me...") "Sorry honey" a passing nurse smiled at me, "We'll get to you as soon as the war is over"

Receptionist rather sharply to Nephew "Sir, your wounds are serious. Answer the questions as quickly as possible. Now, where are you from"? "Head man said I caint tell nobody nuttun' cept my rank n' serial number" Nephew muttered stubbornly. "Sir" she spoke in a carefully controlled voice, "Game time is over. I cannot stand blood and you are bleeding profusely along with the foul gas you are emitting. I also cannot stand corpes. I will ask questions and you, Sir, will answer them imediately with no more fooling around" "Afoolin"? Nephew bleated weakly, "Who's afoolin'? Haint muh shoulder unhindged? Haint muh ribs caved in? Haint muh knee on crooked"? "About the wound, Sir, what happened"? "Hoss drugged me over a root an hit jooged a hole in me" "How deep"? "Clean to muh chittlin's" "And what", she asked icely, "is a chittlin"? "He means his intestaments, little lady" Claude offered helpfully "Muh innards, muh guts" a white faced Nephew whispered. "Oh God" gasped the Receptionist turning a pale green "Does it have debris in it"? "Nope, just some dirt n' leaves n' grass..." She held up a restraining hand "Ok, ok, that will do" (more foul gas escapes from the wound with a warning hiss) Receptionist gagged, recovered. "Quickly, what have you eaten today so the Dr will know what type of anesthesia to use"? "Fer breakfast I had collard greens, runny eggs n' taters n' fer dinner I had two six packs o' coors n'... "I only want to know what you've eaten today!!" she shouted angrily. "It's only 9:30 am"!! "n squirrel and another tater..." "We et dinner a mite early today" Claude said huffily. "Any more injuries"? she asked misserabley. "Muh foots busted" "And how did that happen"? "Hoss stood on hit" "And which foot did he break"? "The one he wuz astandin' on"

Three oclock came and went. So did the Soldiers. I lay on the stretcher shivering with fever, barfing in bed pans and learning my Civil War history. Finally a bedraggled nurse came for me. A good old boy in a yankee uniform stuck his head in the door and asked no one in particular "Anybody know where the rest of the soldiers are"? "Surgery" the nurse answered wearily. "How's the war coming"? "It's over said the yank, "Over"? she asked in surprise, "why"? "Havent got anyone left to play with. There're all down here" "Who won"? I asked through chattering teeth. "Who gives a crap" replied the Northern receptionist bitterly. "Peers to me th' hosses whupped both sides" allowed Claude. "Them hosses agin men afightin' each other n' they put a stop to hit. Hosses won"
(Personal material, do not copy any part of this)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello Again!

It's been a couple of weeks since I've been here. The internet has been so tied up (or in my case such a lousy server!) its hard to get on or stay on long enough to even answer emails, let alone blog!! And such crappy weather I couldnt get out of the house to go uptown and see my street friends. Its either freezing and unbearably cold OR its raining and storming to go along with the icy weather! Oh, Woe is Me either way, lol!
So, I sit and stare at the walls (I've stared the paint off of them, lol) and think "old folks" thoughts, do "old folks" stuff...like rub the cat's head with a faraway look in my eyes...wonder if I took my medicine or not....and feel/know in my heart I am just sitting here waiting to die like so many of my friends did.
My daughter did come by a few days ago and ran down to the store for me. As usual she was in a big hurry so we didnt really get to talk unless her standing in the yard at my porch staring at me between the railings while she spoke rapidly of her problems, her busy days, just trying to make time for herself is next to impossible...blablabla, is having a conversation.
While she was talking I noticed age lines forming in her face and wondered in the years to come when her children are grown with lives of their own, to busy for her, will she listen to the same excuses from them? Will her heart cry siliently as they back out of her drive, wave her a big goodbye, and drive off convinced they have "done their duty"?
It's not age, growing older, getting old, that is the bummer. Its the being ignored or forgotten part that hurts like hell. 
