
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello Again!

It's been a couple of weeks since I've been here. The internet has been so tied up (or in my case such a lousy server!) its hard to get on or stay on long enough to even answer emails, let alone blog!! And such crappy weather I couldnt get out of the house to go uptown and see my street friends. Its either freezing and unbearably cold OR its raining and storming to go along with the icy weather! Oh, Woe is Me either way, lol!
So, I sit and stare at the walls (I've stared the paint off of them, lol) and think "old folks" thoughts, do "old folks" stuff...like rub the cat's head with a faraway look in my eyes...wonder if I took my medicine or not....and feel/know in my heart I am just sitting here waiting to die like so many of my friends did.
My daughter did come by a few days ago and ran down to the store for me. As usual she was in a big hurry so we didnt really get to talk unless her standing in the yard at my porch staring at me between the railings while she spoke rapidly of her problems, her busy days, just trying to make time for herself is next to impossible...blablabla, is having a conversation.
While she was talking I noticed age lines forming in her face and wondered in the years to come when her children are grown with lives of their own, to busy for her, will she listen to the same excuses from them? Will her heart cry siliently as they back out of her drive, wave her a big goodbye, and drive off convinced they have "done their duty"?
It's not age, growing older, getting old, that is the bummer. Its the being ignored or forgotten part that hurts like hell. 

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