
Monday, February 1, 2010

Boy, if it isnt one thing,

its something else! Today I got an email from Netzero that my bank card isnt "valid" so I retyped the number in, kept getting "invalid number" Its a valid card. My rent is deducted from it each month and since it was processed there is no reason Netzero should have any problems either. (Of course they get a $9.00 late charge when an acct is ONE day over due) Mine shouldnt be "overdue"
Off to the bank to see if they have a clue to as what the problem is.
No, surely doesnt.
Did, however, causually mention (a private opinion) a U.S. A. acct would be better "than doing business with an India owned company".
 I agree.
To bad the U.S.A. Internet Providers doesnt feel that way and make their services affordable to Disabled and Older/Elderly Americans living on meager incomes, isnt it?
Then we wouldnt have to spend our few misserable dollars in some other Country we've never been to and dont want to go to either! We could actually spend it here in America. Where we live. Where we could get Live Support for our American telephones, our American  internets. And where they actually understood what we were complaining about. And we could actually understand them when they advised us on how to handle the problem.  Not so with our India based telephones as well as our India based internets. You know, the only services we can afford and are forced to use or do without.
Yes, I know. We have a Right to demand an American Speaking Representive.
Try it. I did.
The American Speaking Representive I got was angry at being bothered, said I had been on the phone with one of their Best, that person could have helped me more quickly than she could.
Sooo....I may not be on at all anymore. Here's a couple of pictures I think are cute, hope you like them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Update on the Netzero post: They decided my bank card was valid after all. May I point out this delay caused me to owe late fees as well as "reprocessing" fees.
