
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

About My Friend/Sister's PC

As I have previously mentioned spirit bird has been down due to a virus/worm in her pc. She really worked over and over, refusing to give up, until she had it working again. I knew she was really going through hell thinking it was a lost cause but hanging in there anyway doing her best. Yesterday she sent me an email entitled "Pic of spiritbird (taken today)" I was so ashamed of myself, I laughed and still am laughing uncontrolably. My daughter came over this morning to see a current pic of her "Aunt Bird" and wish you could have been here to see her expression and hear her scream OMG and start laughing until she was bent over clutching her stomach.
Here is the pic of spiritbird after her pc ordeal"

 But true to form she has recovered nicely. And this is what both of us wanted to do to her pc when it just sat there nearly 3 days not responding to anything it was supposed to respond to:
I just had to share this with you, dear blog! I will try to do better when I am not laughing so hard, LOL!! LOL!!!

1 comment:

Spiritbird said...

Today, it is funny, yesterday, not so much! But, laughter never hurts anything, and it usually helps. As for the laptop, yes, arrows crossed my mind, but only because I misplaced my tomahawk! Of course, I couldn't find the bow, either. I really need to keep better track of my belongings, for emergencies such as this!
