
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hi again everyone. Hope life is being kind to you all as it has to me. For one thing I woke up above ground this morning and thats always good. I have also met a couple of on line friends which is wonderful. My g/son that made the "A" honor roll and also the "A" Honor Guard over the other Honor Guards came by. I asked him how he liked his "job" and he told me "kids are just plain brats, they wont do anything you tell them to, the minute you asked them to stop something that could be dangerous and turn your back they are doing it again" He very bitterly finished by saying the minute he turns 18 years old he is getting himself neutured. I explained to him human men have "vacetomys" only animals are "nuetured" He said he didnt care what they do to him as long as he cant make babies, that he just cant deal with kids!! LOL!! And he's only been on the job a week. lol. Today is beautiful, sunny and just the right little breeze. I lazyed off and had a peanut butter sandwich/mixed fruit for lunch. Havent done anything productive (again) except looked around the internet and picked up 18 threats. No wonder my pc was dragging! Guess I better make real food for supper.  Let me see what I can find picture wise you might enjoy.

My sense of humor may be lacking somewhat today, lol. The next Picture is a Before Ageing Shot followed by an After Aging shot

Hope someone gets a laugh or at least a smile out of these!! I did. (I think the guy in green may have asked his Fairy God Mother to make his touch the floor and she shortened his legs.)
And the following picture is not meant to be vulgar in any manner. It is an actual photo of a Weather Forecaster actually doing his job. However once again the weather didnt co-opoerate, lol!

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