
Friday, December 25, 2009

The Woe's of Christmas Day! 2009

Today was not only a dreary day for me weather wise but for some I saw through my window, it was a sad day too. They were alone, no family or friends went to see them. One such person knocked at my door and brought me a Christmas dinner of her food. I thought that was very sweet of her.
What wasnt sweet was an invite in my email to link to a guy named aadam's something or other site, I did, and my pc went hay wire. I dont have a clue as to why I sat here like a dope and followed the link to his blog he provided for me in his email but its a damn good thing I know a little about pc's and was able to get this straightened out.
I am not saying this person tried to destroy my pc on purpose but I am saying either he was running a file himself or someone was running a file against him and of course it came into my pc. I'll be on guard from now on.
I have a moron for a neighbor. She has a nice house next door to 2 vacant houses in need of some minor repairs. Kindly keep in mind she has a dog and has dog food as well as water down, also remember it is winter and most small pests do come into our homes if at all possible. She is going about taking up a petition to make the woman who owns the 2 houses tear them down. The reason? She is getting rats in her house and she's sure they are coming from the 2 vacant houses! (They probably are, dog food is a treat for them) I didnt sign it, just gave my tiny humble piece of advice: Put out traps or get a cat, get rid of the rats in her own house and forget about the other persons properties!!

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