I havent done much of anything other than cook a big pot of fresh frozen black eyed peas with snaps and for lunch I fried myself some red fish. Oh yes...I did walk to the store, about 6 blocks round trip for smokes. I was hoping to hear from my daughter, she is my only child, (actually I was hoping to hear from anyone) but she hasnt contacted me since last Friday and this is Wed. She only lives about 5 or 6 miles from me at the most. She is married and has 3 children, ages 8 to 11, the 11 yr old will turn 12 Jan 12th, 2010 plus her father in law lives with them now. He is active. I dont see any of them very much. My daughter offers me a lot of reasons as to why she isnt in my life very much. To make it truthful, short and sweet she has her own life. Of course, all of our off spring does. I met a woman who told me she has 5 children and she's as alone in the world as I am. We have them, raise them, they grow up with families of their own, we grow old and if our spouses are dead or we are divorced, we grow old alone no matter how many children we have. I have worn my fingers out on this key board trying to find internet male friends in my age group for email friends only and nary one any place in the world wants to write me, not even the Prisoners who have access to pc's on certain days, lol. I have women email friends, its just I want a male input too. I know I will be back here later to add some more whining so until then.
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