
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Its my birthday....sigh....67 today..

The weather here in N. Fl is wet, nasty and cloudy so I was doing what I do best, nothing. Just sitting there looking around me at my junk and happened to notice my rollator walker and all the medicine bottles. I thought to myself  "This is an old person's house, what am I doing here"? Where did the "real me" go, the "me" that used to work hard and play hard? The "me" that had a family life:  a husband and a child to cook for, to laugh and joke with,  where are all the kids who used to set up tents all over my back yard to "camp out" in saftey, have our fires and cook on the tiny grills or the large one, and watch the skies at night through the big telescope mounted in the  yard?...  the beautiful and healthy gardens we ate from daily during the growing seasons, I canned, dried and froze the left over produce, my cabinats and shelves lined with jars of pickles, jellies, picalli,  butter put up in salt brine, all sorts of yummy things... my yards people from all over North/North East Florida and South Ga. drove to see and take pictures of every year....roses of every color climbing the white board fences, the house itself covered with dark red roses, the entire yard lined with Japanese flowering trees,  gardina bushes full of blooms, the huge patches of Mexican Heather...the list goes on and on, the bird sanctuary and small animal pets I and my daughter had people just loved to visit with, even knew them by their names...where is that person who fed her family, the birds, all the creatures who came to my house? That was the "real me" and now I am lost somewhere, an old woman sits in the "real me's" chair alone wondering if I took my medicine this morning or not.  And arthritis cream in the bathroom, a bench in the bath tub, mail and papers piled on the table so I dont lose them, crock pots so I dont forget the stove is on and burn the house down. Does time really steal from us like this? What happens? do we just fade away unnoticed and alone?

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